What Our Students Are Saying

Dylan R.


I've had nothing but fun and good experiences with the University at Buffalo Marching Band!  I joined the UBMB in mid August, 2023. The UBMB is full of outstanding people, and led with unparalleled leadership that you will rarely find elsewhere. I've made plenty of unforgettable memories since I joined the band, with my favorite one performing on the field for the Buffalo Bill's home game opener this year - which was something that I will never forget!

Prior to joining the band, I had a few concerns such as how I would balance band and academics (especially as a freshman), and how much fun I would have being in the band. Nonetheless, I was able to easily communicate with the current members of the band, and they answered all of my questions and alleviated my worries.  I joined!

I would say that the balance between band and academics is extremely manageable, and not as time-consuming as you would think. Personally, it puts no stress or pressure on me and my grades at all, with plenty of time between school life and band to relax and do the activities that I want to do.

I've enjoyed every minute of being in the UBMB. With a perfect balance of playing a musical instrument and the activity that I love, all while studying biology!

Bashar I.


The UB Marching Band is an amazing program with people who share similar interests to each other. It’s a great way to make friends in a new environment and an even better way to relieve stress! The staff is incredible at their job, whether it’s teaching marching or teaching music. I personally was never in a marching band before I joined and I had no issue learning! So if you’re concerned that you haven’t done this before, but want to try, don’t be concerned! Me and the rest of the people in the marching band will make learning and playing fun and easy!

Brooke B.


The UB Marching Band has been my absolute favorite part of my college experience!  All of the people in the Band are some of the most kind and fun people to be around and I’m so glad that I decided to join.  It helped me as an incoming freshman because I made friends and got comfortable with the campus before classes started.  And during the semester it gives me a place where I can take a break from academics and simply share my love of music with friends.
I’m honestly so grateful for the experiences and friends that the Marching Band has created for me and I can’t wait to make new ones next year!

Kailin D.


The University at Buffalo Marching Band is more than just a group of people that play music together. We are a family that works together to be the best at what we do. When I showed up to band camp my freshman year, I never would have imagined that I would be in the band for 3 (and soon 4) years. Being in the marching band has been one of the highlights of my college life. Even with the small concerns I had about joining, I learned that everyone was going through the same thing and to never be afraid to speak up or ask for support. The band community is always more than happy to help and offer advice. From interacting with band staff and fellow members to performing at the Bills game, the band offers never-ending experiences and support that makes me feel at home. The University at Buffalo Marching Band is a home away from home.

Jordan W.


Joining the UBMB was one of the best decisions I made at UB. This band has not only provided me with some of the best memories but the best friends I have ever made. This truly is a big family that cares about having fun while creating beautiful music. Before joining, I had a few concerns. Would I be considered good enough to be a member of a college band? Band camp and rehearsals took away that fear. Everyone learns together and enhances each other's skills as one cohesive unit. Our Marching Band is a family and we would love for you to be a part of it.

Phillip O.


I had previously heard of the UB Marching Band from my time as a member of the Arlington High School Marching Band.  When I committed to SUNY Buffalo, I was open to joining the marching band but had some concerns. Would I relate to the people as well as I did in high school coming from one of the best high school bands in the state?

After I few weeks of being in the UB Band, I got to know the people and felt welcomed by fellow musicians, especially those who had previous marching experience, and by the incredible staff.

I would highly recommend this group to anyone, even if you do not have any marching experience. For those who do, we need you to make the band even better!

My first year in the UB Marching Band has made me realize that it is the students that make the band great!  

Ethan C.


I joined the UB Marching Band never having marched before but everyone was super friendly. They helped me learn and succeed. I’ve had a blast and look back fondly on all my experiences and I’ve made a ton of friends through the marching band.

Neville P.


When I first joined, I was worried I was going to be so far behind but everyone was nice and welcoming. On my first day, I didn't feel like one person trying to catch up.   Marching band was a new experience for me and helped me improve as a person and a musician!

Nicholas M.


My favorite thing about the UB Marching Band is that we get to do more than just one show. Every game is different and it's never boring. We are always playing and having fun even when learning harder drills and music.

The only concern that I had before joining the UB Marching Band was, that while I had marched before, I didn't know much about field marching.
For anyone who shares this concern, there is no need to worry, because during band camp, and our rehearsals you will pick up everything quite quickly, especially with everyone who is there to help you.

Franklin M.


Joining the UB Marching Band is one of the quickest ways to gain dozens of new friends within your first few uncertain weeks of college. From the onset of band camp, you'll have the opportunity to bond over your shared interest in music with people from a multitude of majors. These bonds form a tight-knit band community of experienced peers who will aid you in your academic and musical needs to help you succeed as a collegiate and a musician!

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